Trusted By

Rolf Prima
Each wheel we hand-build at Rolf Prima starts with a carefully engineered design and the best materials and custom-spec parts. Then we beat the hell out of them.
Machine testing to ensure lasting durability. Aerodynamic testing to reduce drag. Field-testing by riders who might do a quarter-mile faster-than your old Oldsmobile Vista Cruiser.
You could say we thought the process through. But it’s not just the process and materials. It’s the people we go to work with every day in Eugene, Oregon.
No, we’re not wheel manufacturers. We are all cyclists. We are craftsmen. We are perfectionists. We build the best wheels in the business because we’re doing what we love—both in the shop and on the road or trail. What can we build for you?
“While R&D is critical to creating and maintaining a market edge, it is incredibly expensive. I was largely unaware of the R&D tax credit but Hull & Knarr have helped us navigate it and it has been time and money well spent.“
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